Monarch Pomskies

Monarch Pomskies

Paid Advertising

2021 – current

Success Story: Monarch Pomskies – A Journey to Success with Brodie Agency

At Brodie Agency, we take immense pride in the success stories of our clients. One such story is of Monarch Pomskies, a local Pomsky breeder based in Northern Colorado.

The Challenge

Monarch Pomskies, known for their beautiful and well-bred Pomsky puppies, needed a digital marketing strategy that would elevate their online presence and drive qualified leads to their business. While their reputation was stellar, they needed a robust digital marketing approach to reach a wider audience and convert potential puppy lovers into happy customers.

Our Strategy

Upon partnering with Monarch Pomskies, our team at Brodie Agency conducted a thorough analysis of their market and audience. We identified Google Ads as the most effective platform to achieve their goals. Our strategy focused on:

  1. Targeted Keyword Research: We pinpointed high-intent keywords that potential buyers were using to search for Pomsky puppies.
  2. Compelling Ad Copy: Crafting engaging ad copy that highlighted the unique qualities of Monarch Pomskies’ puppies and their value proposition as a breeder.
  3. Optimized Campaign Structure: Implementing a well-organized campaign structure to ensure optimal ad performance and efficient budget utilization.
  4. Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment: Regularly analyzing ad performance and making data-driven adjustments to maximize results.

The Results

Since we began managing their Google Ads, Monarch Pomskies has experienced a remarkable transformation in their lead generation and ROI. Here are some of the key achievements:

  • Hundreds of Qualified Leads: Our campaigns generated hundreds of qualified leads, connecting Monarch Pomskies with potential customers actively seeking Pomsky puppies.
  • Consistent 3-5x ROI: Through our targeted and optimized ad strategies, Monarch Pomskies has consistently achieved a return on investment ranging from 3 to 5 times their ad spend.

Client Testimonial

“Words can’t properly express how happy we are with the work Brodie Agency does on a daily basis for us! Brodie Agency has done an amazing job developing and managing our Google Advertising campaign! In the beginning, they asked tons of questions to help them understand not only our industry as a whole, but also the unique demographic challenges here in Colorado. With his constant monitoring through the ebbs and flows of the dog breeding business, we’ve seen an average 4x return on our investment! I highly recommend Matt to anyone who wants to maximize results from theirs Google ads campaign!” – Tori Stotts, Owner of Monarch Pomskies

Looking Ahead

The success of Monarch Pomskies is a testament to the power of strategic digital marketing. As we continue our partnership, we remain committed to further optimizing their campaigns and exploring new opportunities for growth. At Brodie Agency, we believe that every business has the potential for greatness, and we are here to help them achieve it.

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